SPICEPURE INTERNATIONAL is the sister company of OM INTERNATIONAL, a small family-owned business engaged in processing and supplying high-quality spices and herbs to various blended spice manufacturers, restaurants, wholesale distributors, and retail sellers within the domestic Indian market for the past three decades.
SPICEPURE INTERNATIONAL was incorporated with an intention to supply high-quality ORGANIC and CONVENTIONAL spices and herbs to the international market. Since our sister company has been in the domestic business for more than three decades and we, originally being the farmers and are situated at the ‘Malenad’ region of Western Ghats where the majority of the spices and herbs are grown, have a good relationship with more than 200 farmers in and around our native region.
We have established SPICEPURE INTERNATIONAL to support and encourage organic farming and enable the farmers to realize fair prices for their produces by supplying the same to the international market.
“We look forward to creating a WIN-WIN situation with quality being the prime importance at competitive prices”.